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Need a Good Date Movie?

Believe it or not, I have seen movies since last year in December. It's just that I haven't gotten around to updating this blog. Well, I guess that's obvious, isn't it. Anyway, I'm back now and promise to try and keep this blog better updated. Last weekend my husband and I went to see Stardust , which I believe is a based on Neil Gaiman's book of the same title. It was a pretty good movie with the perfect combination of romance, fantasy, adventure, and mystery. The plotline was slightly predictable, but the movie still enjoyable. Definitely a good date movie. I loved the music. It had a great score. The acting was good as well, though there were a couple of scenes I could have done without. All in all, I give this one a two thumbs up. Now I'm going to have to read the book. I'm coming to you from the library today and my time's almost up. So, I'm signing off for now. Stay tuned though for future posts about the movies I took in this past summer.
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A Night at the Movies

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Looking for non-stop laughs?

Well then, get Flushed Away with this great movie, which opened this weekend. It features the voice talents of Hugh Jackman, Kate Winslet, and Andy Serkis (one of my all time favorites) among others. Also, this movie featured the creative talents of creators of the Wallace and Gromit movies, so you know it was going to be good. And, it was. I can't remember the last time I laughed almost non-stop from beginning to end. The movie also had a great score, with music ranging from instrumentals to 70s classics. Both my husband and I gave this one a two thumbs up. I noticed that it hit number three at the box office this weekend, so it should be around awhile. Don't miss your chance to get Flushed Away in this hilarious, yet romantic movie.

Spending time with Husband - Mission Possible

Yesterday my husband and I went on a spontaneous walk down the street to our local Cold Stone Creamery. After enjoying a Starbucks Mocha Frappaccino (me) and some delicious Cold Stone ice cream (husband), we decided to catch a movie at the theatre in the same complex, since it was simply too hot to walk back home. The only one playing within a decent amount of time was Mission Impossible . It wasn't my first choice of movies to see simply because I don't want to knowingly put my hard earned movie-going money into the hands of the Church of Scientology, but husband wanted to see it and I'm usually up for a good action movie. So, Mission Impossible it was. I have to say, it was a lot better than I expected it to be. The one thing I really liked about it was that Ethan actually married the girl before the sex scene rather than just "one last fling" before going off into mortal danger. Good morals there, so yay! There was lots of action and cool gadgets, which made m

I'm Having One of Those Days

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I know I've been scarce here since before Christmas. Blame it on the movie companies. No good new movies=no new blog postings. Hopefully that will all change very soon. My husband and I scored big time on the DVD front this Christmas. Of course that was followed by his birthday and then mine (yesterday). We got even more movies. So, now we have enough DVDs to carry us through the upcoming dearth of good movies. I have to say I have *the best* sister-in-law anyone could have. She sent me the t.v. show Nowhere Man, which is now out on DVD. I loved, loved, LOVED that show when it was on and can't believe it didn't generate enough fan interest to keep it on the air more than a season or two. However, now I have the DVD so I can enjoy all nineteen hours of it plus commentaries, deleted scenes, outtakes, and all that good stuff. Do you have any idea how hard it was to come to work today? Of course it wasn't just the t.v. show that created such good memories of college for me.

Lots to blog about

I see it's been since mid-November since I updated this blog and even longer for some of my others. That's what happens when you have family birthdays, Christmas, and move across county to a new apartment all within the space of two months. Things are finally settling down now and I can finally blog about all those movies I've seen lately. Now if I could just remember what all of them are. Hmmm...well, let's just jump right in, shall we? Topping the list is Rent , which I saw with a couple of friends from work. Now, this was two months ago that I saw it, so some of the details have gone fuzzy, but I did think it was really good. For some reason I had it in my mind that everyone dies in the end rather than just one person, so it didn't end like I thought it would. Ah well, as I said, fuzzy details. This one I'm looking forward to coming out on DVD and hope it has good special features. The next one I saw was Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire . My husband and I