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Showing posts from December, 2006

A Night at the Movies

A bit ago, my family and I returned from Ben Stiller's new movie Night at the Museum . Oh my goodness, what an hilarious movie. It's definitely one of the most creative plot ideas I've seen in a long time. I actually liked Ben Stiller for once. He was funny, and yet not annoying at all. The movie also featured other great stars like Robin Williams, Dick van Dyke, and Mickey Rooney (whom I could have sworn died about five years ago). I saw a recent interview with van Dyke who called this the best family movie to come along in years. You know what? He was right. As I said, the plot line was very original. It had great character growth and all the right touchy, feely moments a good family flick should have. It was funny without being crass and even featured a budding romance between Teddy Roosevelt and Sacajawea. Who would have thunk. Oh, the music was great too. Even found a song to download to iTunes and add to my driving music repetoire. So, if you're looking for a goo