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Showing posts from January, 2005


Every so often a movie comes along that truly inspires you every time you watch it, more than any other movie you've ever seen. You can watch it over and over and always learn something new about yourself and the world around you. It's the one movie you turn to when life hits a low point and you need someone or something to help pick you back up. I don't know what that one movie is for you, but for me I've discovered it's the Lord of the Rings trilogy and Return of the King most of all. I don't know why these movies help to pick me up. Maybe it's watching Frodo's struggling journey that helps me realize as hard as I think things are for me, some people struggle with something much harder to deal with and they do it with great perseverance and courage. Like Frodo, they come out a different and stronger person. Makes me realize I should stop complaining and just get on with the task or tasks at hand. Or maybe it's seeing that Frodo wasn't

Hope you had a great holiday

Catch any good movies this holiday season? I did. Out of all the movies on my list, I only got to see Phantom of the Opera. It was a pretty good movie, depite a couple of little things. Well, a good movie if you don't compare it to the stage show. I really liked the scenes and costumes. The girl who played Christine had an amazing voice, but Gerard Butler, who played the Phantom didn't grow on me until about the last third of the movie. Also, the movie was told from a flash back point of view, so there were some black and whilte flash forward scenes that kind of threw me off. The end of the movie, though, sent chills up my spine and left me wanting to see it again. All in all, I give it a two thumbs up. Brian and I scored well on the DVD scene this Christmas. He got Office Space, Red Dwarf series 3, Stars Wars Trilogy, Jersey Girl, and Better off Dead. I got the ulitmate gift, the boxed set of Lord of the Rings Extended Edition. This set truly rocks and I'm not even one