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Showing posts from February, 2006


I know I've been scarce here since before Christmas. Blame it on the movie companies. No good new movies=no new blog postings. Hopefully that will all change very soon. My husband and I scored big time on the DVD front this Christmas. Of course that was followed by his birthday and then mine (yesterday). We got even more movies. So, now we have enough DVDs to carry us through the upcoming dearth of good movies. I have to say I have *the best* sister-in-law anyone could have. She sent me the t.v. show Nowhere Man, which is now out on DVD. I loved, loved, LOVED that show when it was on and can't believe it didn't generate enough fan interest to keep it on the air more than a season or two. However, now I have the DVD so I can enjoy all nineteen hours of it plus commentaries, deleted scenes, outtakes, and all that good stuff. Do you have any idea how hard it was to come to work today? Of course it wasn't just the t.v. show that created such good memories of college for me.