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Showing posts from May, 2005

Summer Season Fast Approaching

There is hope on the horizon. After many months of some not so great movies, there are finally some good ones to look forward to. Well, potentially good ones anyway. In the last two weeks I've seen two movies, both of which I really liked. The first was Sin City . I have to say that while I was expecting a high level of gruesome violence, it's another thing to actually see it played out on the screen. I don't normally do movies with that much violence, but the fact that it was an all-star cast really made me want to see it. Then too, there was the fact that it looked like it was going to be well done artistically and I do go in for artistic movies. So, I was not disappointed by this movie. When it comes out on DVD, I'll definitely watch it one more time, especially if there are good commentaries. The other movie I saw was Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy . This one was a so-so movie. There were a lot of funny bits and the flight over Magrathea (I think) was really w