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Showing posts from November, 2004

I'm so excited

Yesterday I got to watch a great movie on cable. It was Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo . This is definitely one of my favorite Hitchcock films. I love the mystery and the eeriness of it (did I spell that right?). Plus, Jimmy Stewart is one of my all time favorite actors. He is sooo good in this film. Speaking of Hitchcock, my husband and I are spending Thanksgiving on our own this year due to him having to work the day after (and of course I need to shop, lol). We are going to resurrect a tradition we started a few years ago and haven't had a chance to do the last couple of years. Namely, we are going to spend the day watching Hitchcock films. On the list so far are classics such as Rope , Dial M for Murder and Rear Window . There are others too, but I don't remember what they are. Hey, if anyone else out in blogland has any suggestions, let me know. I'm up for anything except The Birds , which freaked me out and North by Northwest , which I watched once and it caused

Oh, I Give up

I think we won't get around to watching Citizen Kane until next summer when it's back to reruns on t.v. However, there is a holiday movie season coming up with lots of movies that look really good. So, I'm going to take a break from the AFI list and review the movies I make to this holiday season. Let's start with The Incredibles. We went and saw this last Friday night. It is a huge departure from the previous Pixar movies, both in style and in topic. It was a pretty okay movie and definitely worth seeing on an IMAX screen if possible. The beginning is a little slow moving and I'm not sure how well it will hold kids' attention. The last hour or so is more action packed and more "super-heroish," kind of like Spiderman meets Spy Kids only animated. Not to put any spoilers here, but I have to say one thing. There is a part where the father loses his job and goes back to "super-heroing" behind his wife's back. He never says anything ab